Monday, March 25, 2013

Butternut Squash and Mushrooms 3 ways

The Husband and I try not to buy lunch very often so I usually cook extra food at dinner to pack up for the next day.  But the other day I had a great idea, instead of eating the same exact thing for lunch and dinner for days, why not mix it up a bit?  Why not cook up one thing we love and small portions of a few different proteins to add to it.  Then we could eat it for days without getting bored!  So that's what I did.  I cooked a large batch of butternut squash and portobello mushrooms and ended up with 12 lunchs for the Husband and myself to share. 

I had 3 bases; pasta, salad and a wrap.  3 cheeses; ricotta cheese, goat cheese and monteray jack cheese. And 3 Proteins; tilapia, shrimp and beans.  The squash and mushrooms can easily be cut in thirds to make 4 servings of one of the dishes.  Here's how it all came together:

1 1/2 Packages of pre-cubed Butternut Squash (about 3 cups)
3 Cloves Garlic
12 Sage Leaves
1/3 Stick Butter
6 Portobello Mushrooms
3 Tbsp Olive Oil

1 Package Pasta
1 Package Salad Greens
1 Package Tortilla Wraps

Ricotta Cheese (I make my own which is why there's milk, cream and vinegar in the picture)
Goat Cheese
Monteray Jack Cheese

1/2lb Shrimp
2 Medium sized Tilapia Filet
2 Cups Beans

I cooked the Butternut Squash in batches to make sure I didn't over crowd the pan and everything cooked properly.  Mince the garlic and chop the sage while melting 1/3 of the butter in a pan. 

Add the garlic to the butter and let it cook slightly, and then add the sage. 
Take a second to enjoy how amazing your kitchen smells!

Add the butternut squash to the pan and cook until it's soft and nicely browned. 

Mmmm look at that color!

Transfer to a dish with a slotted spoon and add 1 Tbsp oil.

Slice the mushrooms and add to the pan, toss lightly to cover in the oil/butter/garlic/sage mixture. YUM!

Let the mushrooms cook down and brown.  

and add them to a bowl with the squash.  Complete the other two batchs the same way.  I alternated cooking the squash and mushrooms this way to make sure everything cooked the same with a good amount of butter/oil mixture, but feel free to cook all of the squash and then all of the mushrooms.  It won't make a difference.  

Once that's complete, you just need to cook your proteins (and your pasta base) and assemble!  The Tilapia and Shrimp were simply pan fried with a little bit of salt and pepper.  Here are all three of my dishes:

With Tilapia and Goat Cheese over Mixed Greens

With Shrimp and Ricotta Cheese over Pasta

With Kidney Beans and Monteray Jack Cheese in a Wrap

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