Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quick Meal - Shrimp Roll

The Husband has been craving a Shrimp Roll and they're surprisingly simple to make.  A lot of recipes I looked up called for Tarragon in the mix while others left all seasoning and let the Shrimp be the main flavor.  I do not have fresh New England Shrimp in my house so I decided to add the Tarragon to give it an extra flavor.  Don't do it!  I wasn't familiar with Tarragon before this and now I know why, it tastes like liquorice.  And while I don't like the taste normally, it especially does not blend with a Shrimp Roll.  Dill or Thyme would have been a better choice. 

6 Shrimp
1 Tbsp Mayonaise
1 Tbsp Celery, Chopped
1/4 Lemon, Juiced
2 Leaves Tarragon, Chopped
2 Hotdog Rolls

Boil the shrimp until they are pink throughout.  Transfer to a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking.  Cut each shrimp into 4 or 5 pieces and add to a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.  Mix well.

Fill the hotdog roll with the mixture and enjoy.  This is a light and refreshing quick lunch option served with a side of chips.  Now I want to go to Maine!

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