Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Salmon with Artichokes and Portobello Mushrooms

For my first post, I wanted to make something AMAZING but still easy with a handful of ingredients.  I recently started making my own salad dressing with just oil, vinegar, garlic and salt.  I always have these on hand so as long as I have greens I can make a great tasting salad.  I wanted to share this quick recipe with you so you too could make your own dressing, and you won't need a science degree to name all ingredients!  But my first post can't be about SALAD can it? No, that's just on the side.  Today's entry is all about Salmon, Artichokes and Portobello Mushrooms.  YUM! So let's get started:

Lets start with all of our ingredients.  I like to take everything out at once to make sure I have everything.  I can't tell you how many times I've started a recipe only to realize half way through cooking that I'm missing something.  Part of my charm.

Salad -
1 bag/box Salad Greens
1 Tomato
2 or more Cloves of Garlic (to taste)
Pinch of Salt
1 Tbsp Vinegar
2 Tbsp Oil
Juice from 1/4 Lemon

With a mortar and pestle (or with a fork) mash garlic cloves with salt.  Once it is completely pulverized, add the vinegar and oil.  Stir vigorously until the oil and vinegar blend together.  Add lemon juice to taste.

I like to drip a small amount of dressing on my finger to get a taste.  That way I'm not constantly cleaning a spoon or sticking my finger IN the dressing.

Risotto -
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Butter
1 1/2 cups Risotto Rice
1/2 cup Dry White Wine
5 cups Vegetable Broth
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/3 cup grated Romano Cheese

I don't use onion in my Risotto, I don't think it takes away from the flavor at all.  Plus onion gives the Husband heart burn.

Heat pan on medium high for a few seconds.  Add the oil and butter until the butter melts.  I like the flavor of adding the two together, you can add one or the other if you prefer.

Once the butter is melted add the rice and cook for a few minutes, stirring constantly.  Do not let the rice brown, unless you're not paying attention... then ignore the slightly browned pieces and move on.  I'm usually alone in the kitchen so no one knows when I make a mistake.  If you won't tell I won't!

Add the White wine and and stir until it is absorbed by the rice.

I think the pan was a little too hot... oops.  Once the wine has been absorbed, add a cup of broth.  I use vegetable broth because the Husband and I don't eat meat but if you do, feel free to use whatever broth you prefer.  I always choose the one with the least sodium and no MSG.  Read the label, if you can't pronounce it, don't buy it! 

Let the rice absorb the broth, stirring occasionally.  Once almost all of the broth has been absorbed it's time to add another half cup.  Continue this cycle; adding broth, letting it absorb, adding more broth until all of the broth has been used.  Risotto really isn't that hard, and if you're near your stove cooking something else anyway, it doesn't feel like it takes that long.

I did all of this while I was cooking the mushrooms so before we finish the rice, let's get our other pan started!

Salmon with Artichokes and Mushrooms - 
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Cloves Garlic minced (more or less to taste)
4oz Portobello Mushrooms
1/2 cup Dry White Wine
8.5oz can Artichokes in water
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 1/2 - 2lb Salmon (about 1/2lb per person)

Heat pan slightly over medium heat and add oil.  Once hot, add the garlic and let it cook slightly, don't let it brown like I did... or do, it still tasted good!

Add the mushrooms and let them brown and release some of their water.  After a few minutes add the white wine and continue to cook the mushrooms.  Sorry I don't have a picture, it looked like the one above but with mushrooms in it.  

Slice up the artichokes any way you'd like.  I did use canned artichokes, but there were only 4 ingredients: Artichoke hearts, water, salt and citric acid.  The salt and citric acid are preservatives that I can pronounce so that's a plus!  If you'd like less sodium, check the frozen section.  It had 2% sodium as opposed to the can which had 22%.  But the frozen artichokes had additives for color.  I add such little sodium to my food, that the 22% didn't scare me.  Just make sure to keep that percentage in mind when you go to add seasonings!  Once the artichokes are cut up, add them to the pan with some salt and pepper and mix everything up.  

Let most of the liquid in the pan evaporate and add the salmon on top of everything.

Salt and pepper the fish and add the lid.

Cook the salmon until flaky.  I finished the rice and started plating everything as I was putting the lid on my second pan and everything was done at the same time.  

So how did we finish the rice?

Add the Romano cheese, salt and pepper and stir.  Taste it and try not to eat it all.  If it needs more salt or cheese add some, but keep your additions small.  It's easier to add more if you need it, it's not as easy to take it away.  

Divide greens among four bowls and top with a wedge of tomato and dressing.  Put a serving spoon size mound of Risotto in the middle of your plate, top with salmon and spoon artichokes and mushrooms on top.  


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