Thursday, March 21, 2013

Vegetable Stew

Occasionally if the day is cruddy enough the Husband will request a hearty stew and I am more than happy to oblige.  Today was one of those occasions and I'm excited to say that this came out so much better than I had anticipated.  I plan to make it again to dehydrate for our next big hiking trip!

3 Cloves Garlic
1 tsp Olive Oil
5 Cups Vegetable Broth
2 Cups Kidney Beans
1 lb Carrots
2 Baking Potatoes
1 Cups Butternut Squash
10 oz Mushrooms
8.5 oz canned Corn (no salt added)
8.5 oz canned Green Beans (no salt added)
Salt and Pepper
1/4 Cup Pasta

Mince garlic and add to a sauce pot with olive oil.  Let the garlic cook slightly until fragrant to bring out the flavors.  Add the broth and the kidney beans to the pot.  My beans were dried, not canned.  I used my pressure cooker to quick-soak them so I knew they would need some extra time in the stew.  If you are using canned beans you can add them after the vegetables.

Chop the carrots and potatoes to the same size as the pre-cut butternut squash.  If you did not buy the pre-cut squash, cut the carrots into 1 inch rounds and the potatoes and squash into 1 inch cubes.  You want everything to be somewhat equal in size so it will cook the same. Add salt and pepper to taste, keep in mind that you can always add more later if you need to.  You can also experiment with different spices such as cumin, crushed red pepper or Italian seasoning.

After I let the beans and vegetables cook, I noticed I needed some more liquid in the pot.  I ended up added about 1 more cup of broth at this point.  Then I added the mushrroms and canned vegetables.  

Don't be afraid to let this simmer on the stove.  The longer it cooks the more the flavors blend together.  This is a great dinner for a rainy or snowy evening.  It's also really filling so a little goes a long way! 

What seasonings did you add to your stew?  

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