Monday, April 29, 2013

Quinoa Stir-Fry

I can't believe Colorado is just two weeks away!!  Just two long weeks of hiking and rock climbing to prepare.  Working out takes a lot out of you and it's important to refuel your body properly!  After a workout protein is your friend, it feeds your muscles and helps them grow.  Contrary to popular belief, it's easy to find protein in a Vegetarian diet as long as you know where to look.  Quinoa is a great source of a lot of different minerals as well as 8 grams of protein in one cup (cooked).  I started with the Thai Peanut Quinoa I had made the other day and added some stir fried veggies.  This really hit the spot after a long draining hike!

Ingredients for the Quinoa:
2 cups cooked Quinoa
2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1/2 Tbsp White Vinegar
1/2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tsp Honey
1 tsp Toasted Sesame Oil
(add about a teaspoon of Sriracha if you like some heat)
For the Veggies:
1 Red Pepper
3 Carrots
1 Zucchini
1 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil
1/2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1/2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tsp White Vinegar
(Sriracha Optional)

While the quinoa was cooking (check here for instructions) I heated the oil in a deep pan and added the cut veggies to it.  I cut the veggies a bit large so they would hold up to the heat of cooking and still have a slight crunch to them. 

Toss the veggies in the pan until they start to get soft around the edges.  Add the peanut butter, soy sauce, and vinegar and mix well.  Meanwhile, combine the cooked quinoa with the rest of the ingredients and stir it until evenly coated.  Once the veggies are done how you like, add them to the quinoa.  Spoon into a bowl and serve.

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